

Mathematical Symbols and their Meaning

Basic Math Symbols

Symbol Name of the Symbol Meaning Example
= Equal sign Equality 10 = 5+5
Not equal sign Inequality 10 ≠ 5
Approximately Approximation π ≅ 3.14
> Strict inequality Greater than 10 > 9
< Strict inequality Less than 9 < 10
Inequality Greater than or equal to 10 ≥ 9; or p ≥ q
Inequality Less than or equal to 9 ≤ 10; or p ≤ q
( ) paranthesis grouped items. need to be calculated first. 5 x (1 + 2) = 5 x 3 = 15
[ ] brackets grouped items. need to be calculated first. [ (5 + 1) x (1 + 2)] = 18
plus - minus both plus and minus operator 2 ∓ 1 = 3 or 1
mod modulo remainder calculation 5 mod 2 = 1
ab power exponent 13 = 1
a^b caret exponent 2 ^ 3 = 8
√a square root √a . √a = a √4 = 2
3√a cube root √a . √a . √a = a 3√8 = 3
4√a nth root if n = 3; 3√8 = 2
per-mille 1‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1% 10‰ of 10 = 0.3
ppm per-million 1ppm = 1/10,00,000 0.000001

Algebra Symbols

Symbol Name of the Symbol Meaning Example
x x variable unknown value to find 2x = 10; then x = 10/2 = 5
equivalence identical to a ≣ b
equal by definition equal by definition
~ Approximately equal Weak approximation x ~ b or 11 ~ 11.12
proportional to proportional to x ∝ y
infinity infinity symbol


Updation History
First updated on 5th June 2021.