List of Registered Central Clearing Counterparties in Europe
- Athexclear
- LCH Clearnet SA
- CCP Austria (Abwicklungsstellerfuer Boersengeschaefte Gmbh)
- Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia
- CME Clearing Europe Limited
- European Commodity Clearing AG
- European Central Counterparty N.V.
- Eurex Clearing AG
- ICE Netherlands BV
- ICE Clear Europe Limited
- Keler CCP Central Counterparty Limited
- The London Clearing House Limited
- LCH.Clearnet Limited
- LME Clear Limited
- BME Clearing
- NASDAQ Clearing AB
- Omniclear - CC, SA
- Central Depository and Clearing Company Inc.
List of Registered Credit Rating Agencies in USA
- A.M. Best Company, Inc.
- DBRS Limited
- Fitch Inc.
- Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd.
- Moody's Investors Service Inc.
- Rating and Investment Information Inc.
- Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
List of Registered Clearing Agencies in USA
- Banque Centrale De Compensation (LCH SA)
- Boston Stock Exchange Clearing Corporation (BSECC)
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange LLC (CME)
- Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC)
- ICE Clear Credit LLC (ICC)
- ICE Clear Europe Limited (ICEEU)
- National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC)
- The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)
- Stock Clearing Corporation of Philadelphia (SCCP)
- The Depository Trust Company (DTC)
List of Registered Alternative Trading Systems in USA
- Aqua Securities LLP
- Arbor Research and Trading LLC [Clarity Bid Rate Alternative Trading System]
- ATS-1 [Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc]
- ATS-4 [Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc]
- ATS-6 [Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc]
- Automated Equity Finance Markets, Inc. [AQS, EquiLend Clearing Services (ECS)]
- AX Trading, LLC
- Barclays ATS
- Barclays DirectEx
- BGC Financial L.P
- BIDS Trading L.P [BIDS Trading]
- Bond Vision US
- Brilliquid LLC []
- Brokertec [Brokertec Americas LLC]
- CitiBLOC [Citigroup Global Markets Inc.]
- CITICROSS [Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.]
- CODA Markets Inc. [CODA]
- Creditex Securities Corporation
- Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC [Cross Finder]
- Dealerweb, Inc. [Dealerweb]
- Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc. [Super X]
- eBX LLC [Level ATS]
- Electronifie [Electronifie Securities LLC]
- EquiLend LLC
- FixCenter, LLC
- FNC AG Stock, LLC
- GFI Securities LLC [CreditMatch (LATG)]
- Global OTC [Archipelago Trading Services, Inc.]
- HTDonline [Hartfield, Titus & Donnelly, LLC]
- ICAP Trading Facility [ICAP Corporates LLC]
- IDX Markets [IDX Markets, LLC]
- Instinct X
- Instinet Continuous Block Crossing System (CBX) [Instinet, LLC]
- Instinet, LLC [Instinet Crossing, Instinet BLX]
- Interactive Brokers LLC [IBKR ATS]
- JPB-X [J.P. Morgan Securities LLC]
- J.P. Morgan ATS ("JPM-X") [J.P. Morgan Securities LLC]
- KCG BondPoint [Knight Capital Americas LLC]
- Lending Club Trading Markets [FOLIO fn Investments, Inc.]
- Liquidity Finance LP [Flow by Liquidity Finance]
- LiquidNet Fixed Income ATS
- LiquidNet H2O ATS
- LiquidNet Negotiation ATS
- Luminex Trading & Analytics LLC [Luminex]
- MAPS ECN [Marco Polo Securities, Inc.]
- MarketAxess Corporation Mid-X Trading System [Mid-X System; MID-X]
- MarketAxess Corporation Single-Name CDS Central Limit Order Book [MarketAxess CDS CLOB]
- Matchit [KCG Matchit]
- MBS Source eTrading Inc. [MBS Marketplace]
- Millennium [ConvergEx Execution Solutions LLC]
- MTS BondsPro
- MuniAxis ATS
- NASDAQ Fixed Income
- National Financial Services, LLC [Cross Stream]
- NPM Securities LLC
- NPX [Dash Financial Technologies, LLC]
- OpenBondX LLC
- Orchard X [Orchard Platform Markets LLC]
- OTC Link LLC [OTC Link ATS]
- Ouisa Capital LLC [Ouisa Capital]
- PRO Securities, LLC
- Shares Post Financial Corporation
- SIGMA X [Goldman Sachs Execution and Clearing]
- SIGMA X2 [Goldman Sachs Execution and Clearing]
- Spot Quote LLC
- Spread Quote LLC [Spread Zero ATS]
- State Street Global Markets, LLC [BlockCross ATS]
- Structured Credit Connection
- TMC Bonds, LLC
- Tradeweb Direct LLC
- TruMid ATS
- Tullet Prebon Financial Services LLC [TP CreditDeal]
- UBS ATS [UBS Securities LLC]
- Ustocktrade [Ustocktrade Securities, Inc.]
- Variable Investment Advisors Inc. [ /]
- Venovate Marketplace Inc.
- XE [Weeden & Co. LP]
- Zanbato ATS
List of Registered Securities Future Exchanges in USA
- CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE)
- Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
- OneChicago (OC)
List of Registered Stock Exchanges in USA
- Bats BYX Exchange, Inc. (BATS BYX)
- Formerly BATS Y-Exchange (BYX)
- Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BATS BZX)
- Formerly BATS Exchange (BATS)
- Bats EDGA Exchange, Inc. (BATS EDGA)
- Formerly EDGA Exchange (EDGA)
- Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc. (BATS EDGX)
- Formerly EDGX Exchange (EDGX)
- BOX Options Exchange LLC (BOX)
- C2 Options Exchange LLC, Inc. (C2)
- Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc. (CBOE)
- Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX)
- Investors Exchange LLC (IEX)
- Miami International Securities Exchange LLC (MIAX)
- NASDAQ BX, Inc. (BX)
- Formerly NASDAQ OMX BX
- Formerly Boston Stock Exchange (BSE)
- Formerly ISE Gemini (ISE Gemini)
- Formerly Topaz Exchange (Topaz)
- Formerly International Securities Exchange
- The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (NASDAQ)
- New York Stock Exchange LLC (NYSE)
- New York Arca, Inc. (NYSE Arca)
- Formerly NYSE Amex (NYSE Amex)
- Formerly NYSE Alternext US (NYSE ALTERNEXT)
- Formerly American Stock Exchange (Amex)
- NYSE National, Inc. (NYSE NAT)
- Formerly National Stock Exchange (NSX)
List of Registered Systematic Internalizers in Europe
- Danske Bank
- FinecoBank s.p.a
- Goldman Sachs International
- Nordea Bank Denmark A/S
- Knight Capital Europe Limited
- Citigroup Global Markets Limited
- Citigroup Global Markets U.K. Equity Limited
- Societe Generale Option Europe - SGOE
- UBS Limited
- UBS AG (London Branch)
- Credit Suisse Securities Europe Limited
List of Regulated Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) in Europe
- Alternext
- Sistema de Negociacao Multilateral Alternext
- MTS Netherlands
- Aquis Exchange Limited
- BATS Trading Limited
- Boerse Berlin (Freiverkehr)
- Beta Market
- BGC Brokers LP
- Blink MTF
- Instinet Blockmatch
- Baltex Freight Derivatives Market
- Monetary Financial and Commodities Exchange - SIBIU S.A.
- Bloomberg Trading Facility Limited
- MTS Belgium
- Warsaw Stock Exchange
- Brokertec Europe Limited
- BondVision UK
- JP Morgan Cazenove
- Cantorcoze
- Creditex Realtime
- Duesseldorfer Boerse (Freiverkehr)
- Duesseldorfer Boerse Quotrix (Freiverkehr)
- Bratislava Stock Exchange - MTF
- E-Mider
- E-Mid Repo
- Euro MTF
- Euro MTS
- Athens Exchange Alternative Market
- EasyNext
- EasyNext Lisbon
- Equilend Europe Limited
- Boerse Berlin Equiduct Trading (Freiverkehr)
- EuroTLX
- Cantor Spreadfair
- MTS France SAS
- First North
- First North Estonia
- First North Finland
- First North Lithuania (Alternative Market)
- First North Latvia
- First North Stockholm
- Frankfurter Wertpapier Boerse (Freiverkehr)
- 42 Financial Services
- GFI Credit Match
- GFI Forex Match
- GFI Energy Match
- GFI Rates Match
- Galaxy
- MTS Germany
- Griffin Markets Limited
- Hanseatische Wertpapier Boerse Hamburg (Frieverkehr)
- Boerse Hamburg Land and Schwarz Exchange (Frieverkehr)
- Niedersaechsiche Boerse Zu Hannover (Frieverkehr)
- Hi-MTF Order Driven
- Hi-MTF
- Hi-MTF Request-for-Quote
- MTS Hungary
- ICAP Global Derivatives Limited
- ICAP Europe MTF
- ICAP Energy
- ICAP Energy MTF
- ICAP Securities
- ICAP TrueQuote
- MTS Ireland
- ISDX Growth
- ISDX Secondary Market MTF
- ISWAP Euro Limited
- Liquidnet Europe
- Mercado Alternativo Bursatil
- Marketaxess Europe Limited
- Mercado Alternativo de Renta Fija
- Currenex MTF
- MTS Czech Republic
- Merkur Market
- FX Connect
- Marche Libre
- Mercato Borsa Italiana Equity MTF
- Euronext Bondmatch
- MTS Austria
- MTS Denmark
- MTS Finland
- MTS Greece
- MTS Interdealer Swaps Market
- MTS Swap
- Boerse Muenchen (Freiverkehr)
- Boerse Muenchen - Market Maker Munich (Friverkehr)
- My Treasury
- Nordic MTF
- NX
- MTS Portugal
- MTS Prime
- MTS Israel
- Reuters Transaction Services Limited
- Sigma X MTF
- Sharemark
- MTS Spain
- Spectronlive Trayport
- BondVision Italia MTF
- Baden - Wuerttembergische Wertpapier Boerse (Freiverkehr)
- Swapteam
- TP Energy - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
- TP Tradeblade - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
- Traditional Energy
- Volbroker
- Trading Facility
- TOM MTF Derivative Market
- TP Creditdeal - Tullet Prebon (Securities) Limited
- TP Forward Deal - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
- TP Repo - Tullet Prebon (Securities) Limited
- TP Swap Deal - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
- Tradeweb
- Turquoise Global Holding Limited
- UK Gilts Markets (MTS United Kindgom)
- Vega - CHI
- MTS Slovenia
- Tradition - Volatis
- Ventes Publiques
- Wiener Boerse AG Dritter Market (Third Market)
- WCLK Platform
- AIM Italia - Mercato Alternativo Del Captitale
- Bucharest Stock Exchange
- Irish Stock Exchange - Global Exchange Market
- Irish Stock Exchange - Enterprise Securities Market
- Irish Stock Exchange - Atlantic Securities Market
- Emerging Companies Market
- Frankfurter Wertpapier Boerse XETRA (Freiverkehr)
- Eurex Bonds Gmbh
- Eurex Repo Gmbh
- Tradegate Exchange (Freiverkehr)
- Latibex
- SI Enter
- London Stock Exchange - AIM
- London Stock Exchange - MTF
- Marche Libre
- Extramot
- Sistema Espanol de Negociacion de Activos Financieros
- New Connect
- Oslo Connect
- Posit
- Prague Stock Exchange - MTF
- RM - System Czech Stock Exchange (MTF)
- Aktietorget
- Smartpool Trading Limited
- TP Energy Trade - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
- Zagreb Stock Exchange - MTF
List of Registered Regulated Markets in Europe
- BATS Europe
- Boerse Berlin (Regulated Market)
- Boerse Berlin (Second Regulated Market)
- Derivatives Regulated Market
- BondVision Italia
- CME Europe Limited
- Duesseldorfer Boerse
- Duesseldorfer Boerse Quotrix
- Boerse Berlin Equiduct Trading
- Electronic Openend Funds and ETC Market
- European Wholesale Securities Market
- Fish Pool ASA
- Frankfurter Wertpapier Boerse
- Gibralter Stock Exchange
- Hanseatische Wertpapier Boerse
- Boerse Hamburg Lang and Schwarz Exchange
- Niederaechsische Boerse Ze Hannover
- Electronic Secondary Securities Market
- Intercontinental Exchange (ICE Futures Europe)
- ICE Futures Europe - Financial products division
- ICE Futures Europe - Equity products division
- ICE Futures Europe - Agricultural products division
- ISDX Main Market
- Mercada Electronico De Renta Fija
- Mercada De Futures E Opcoes
- Market for Investment Vehicles (MIV)
- Electronic Bond Market
- Electronic Share Market
- MTS Italia
- MTS Corporate
- Boerse Muenchen Market Maker Munich
- ICE Endex Derivatives B.V.
- Norexeco ASA
- Mercado De Derivados OMIP
- Warsaw Stock Exchange
- Bondspot Securities Market
- Bolsa De Barcelona Renta Fija
- Bolsa De Bilbao Renta Fija
- Spot Regulated Market
- Securitized Derivatives Market
- SEND - Sistema Electronico De Negociacion De Deuda
- Baden - Wuerttembergische Wertpapier Boersa
- Wiener Boerse AG
- Wiener Boerse AG Geregelter Freiverkehr
- Athens Exchange Derivatives Market
- Euronext Amsterdam
- Borsa de Barcelona
- Bolsa de Bilbao
- Bratislava Stock Exchange
- Euronext Brussels Derivatives
- Euronext Brussels
- Budapesti Ertektozsde
- Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia JSC
- NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S
- Cyprus Stock Exchange
- Italian Derivatives Market
- Mercado de Deuda Publicaen Anotaciones
- AIAF - Mercado de Renta Fija
- Irish Stock Exchange - Main Market
- European Energy Exchange
- Frankfurter Wertpapier Boerse Xetra
- Euronext EQF - Equities and Indices Derivatives
- Eurex Deutschland
- Tradegate Exchange
- NASDAQ Helsinki OY
- OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland
- Euronext London
- Euronext Lisbon
- Ljubjana Stock Exchange - Official Market
- The London Metal Exchange
- London Stock Exchange - Derivatives Market
- London Stock Exchange - Regulated Market
- Bourse de Luxembourg
- Bolsa de Madrid
- Malta Automated Trading System
- Autorite des Marches Financiers (AMF)
- Mercado Continuo Espanol
- MEFF - Segmento Derivados Energia
- MEFF - Exchange
- Nordic Growth Market NGM AB
- Olso Axess
- Oslo Bors ASA
- Euronext Paris
- PowerNext Derivatives
- Prague Stock Exchange - Regulated Market
- Power Exchange Central Europe
- System Czech Stock Exchange
- NASDAQ Stockholm AB
- NASDAQ OMX Tallinn
- Bolsa De Valencia
- Zagreb Stock Exchange
Updation History
- First and last updated on 24th January 2017