

List of financial institutions and other data related to financial services industry

List of Registered Central Clearing Counterparties in Europe

  1. Athexclear
  2. LCH Clearnet SA
  3. CCP Austria (Abwicklungsstellerfuer Boersengeschaefte Gmbh)
  4. Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia
  5. CME Clearing Europe Limited
  6. European Commodity Clearing AG
  7. European Central Counterparty N.V.
  8. Eurex Clearing AG
  9. ICE Netherlands BV
  10. ICE Clear Europe Limited
  12. Keler CCP Central Counterparty Limited
  13. The London Clearing House Limited
  14. LCH.Clearnet Limited
  15. LME Clear Limited
  16. BME Clearing
  17. NASDAQ Clearing AB
  18. Omniclear - CC, SA
  19. Central Depository and Clearing Company Inc.

List of Registered Credit Rating Agencies in USA

  1. A.M. Best Company, Inc.
  2. DBRS Limited
  3. Fitch Inc.
  4. Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd.
  5. Moody's Investors Service Inc.
  6. Rating and Investment Information Inc.
  7. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services

List of Registered Clearing Agencies in USA

  1. Banque Centrale De Compensation (LCH SA)
  2. Boston Stock Exchange Clearing Corporation (BSECC)
  3. Chicago Mercantile Exchange LLC (CME)
  4. Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC)
  5. ICE Clear Credit LLC (ICC)
  6. ICE Clear Europe Limited (ICEEU)
  7. National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC)
  8. The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)
  9. Stock Clearing Corporation of Philadelphia (SCCP)
  10. The Depository Trust Company (DTC)

List of Registered Alternative Trading Systems in USA

  1. Aqua Securities LLP
  2. Arbor Research and Trading LLC [Clarity Bid Rate Alternative Trading System]
  3. ATS-1 [Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc]
  4. ATS-4 [Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc]
  5. ATS-6 [Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc]
  6. Automated Equity Finance Markets, Inc. [AQS, EquiLend Clearing Services (ECS)]
  7. AX Trading, LLC
  8. Barclays ATS
  9. Barclays DirectEx
  10. BGC Financial L.P
  11. BIDS Trading L.P [BIDS Trading]
  12. Bond Vision US
  13. Brilliquid LLC []
  14. Brokertec [Brokertec Americas LLC]
  15. CitiBLOC [Citigroup Global Markets Inc.]
  16. CITICROSS [Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.]
  17. CODA Markets Inc. [CODA]
  18. Creditex Securities Corporation
  19. Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC [Cross Finder]
  21. Dealerweb, Inc. [Dealerweb]
  22. Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc. [Super X]
  23. eBX LLC [Level ATS]
  24. Electronifie [Electronifie Securities LLC]
  25. EquiLend LLC
  26. FixCenter, LLC
  27. FNC AG Stock, LLC
  28. GFI Securities LLC [CreditMatch (LATG)]
  29. Global OTC [Archipelago Trading Services, Inc.]
  30. HTDonline [Hartfield, Titus & Donnelly, LLC]
  31. ICAP Trading Facility [ICAP Corporates LLC]
  32. IDX Markets [IDX Markets, LLC]
  33. Instinct X
  34. Instinet Continuous Block Crossing System (CBX) [Instinet, LLC]
  35. Instinet, LLC [Instinet Crossing, Instinet BLX]
  36. Interactive Brokers LLC [IBKR ATS]
  37. JPB-X [J.P. Morgan Securities LLC]
  38. J.P. Morgan ATS ("JPM-X") [J.P. Morgan Securities LLC]
  39. JSVC LLC
  40. KCG BondPoint [Knight Capital Americas LLC]
  41. Lending Club Trading Markets [FOLIO fn Investments, Inc.]
  42. Liquidity Finance LP [Flow by Liquidity Finance]
  43. LiquidNet Fixed Income ATS
  44. LiquidNet H2O ATS
  45. LiquidNet Negotiation ATS
  46. Luminex Trading & Analytics LLC [Luminex]
  47. MAPS ECN [Marco Polo Securities, Inc.]
  48. MarketAxess Corporation Mid-X Trading System [Mid-X System; MID-X]
  49. MarketAxess Corporation Single-Name CDS Central Limit Order Book [MarketAxess CDS CLOB]
  50. Matchit [KCG Matchit]
  51. MBS Source eTrading Inc. [MBS Marketplace]
  52. Millennium [ConvergEx Execution Solutions LLC]
  53. MTS BondsPro
  54. MuniAxis ATS
  55. NASDAQ Fixed Income
  56. National Financial Services, LLC [Cross Stream]
  57. NPM Securities LLC
  58. NPX [Dash Financial Technologies, LLC]
  59. OpenBondX LLC
  60. Orchard X [Orchard Platform Markets LLC]
  61. OTC Link LLC [OTC Link ATS]
  62. Ouisa Capital LLC [Ouisa Capital]
  63. POSIT
  64. PRO Securities, LLC
  66. Shares Post Financial Corporation
  67. SIGMA X [Goldman Sachs Execution and Clearing]
  68. SIGMA X2 [Goldman Sachs Execution and Clearing]
  69. Spot Quote LLC
  70. Spread Quote LLC [Spread Zero ATS]
  71. State Street Global Markets, LLC [BlockCross ATS]
  72. Structured Credit Connection
  73. TMC Bonds, LLC
  74. Tradeweb Direct LLC
  75. TruMid ATS
  76. Tullet Prebon Financial Services LLC [TP CreditDeal]
  77. UBS ATS [UBS Securities LLC]
  78. Ustocktrade [Ustocktrade Securities, Inc.]
  79. Variable Investment Advisors Inc. [ /]
  80. Venovate Marketplace Inc.
  81. XE [Weeden & Co. LP]
  82. Zanbato ATS

List of Registered Securities Future Exchanges in USA

  1. CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE)
  2. Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
  3. Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
  4. OneChicago (OC)
  5. NQLX

List of Registered Stock Exchanges in USA

  1. Bats BYX Exchange, Inc. (BATS BYX)
  2. Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BATS BZX)
  3. Bats EDGA Exchange, Inc. (BATS EDGA)
  4. Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc. (BATS EDGX)
  5. BOX Options Exchange LLC (BOX)
  6. C2 Options Exchange LLC, Inc. (C2)
  7. Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc. (CBOE)
  8. Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX)
  9. Investors Exchange LLC (IEX)
  10. Miami International Securities Exchange LLC (MIAX)
  11. MIAX Pearl, LLC (PEARL)
  12. NASDAQ BX, Inc. (BX)
  17. The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (NASDAQ)
  18. New York Stock Exchange LLC (NYSE)
  19. New York Arca, Inc. (NYSE Arca)
  21. NYSE National, Inc. (NYSE NAT)

List of Registered Systematic Internalizers in Europe

  1. Danske Bank
  2. FinecoBank s.p.a
  3. Goldman Sachs International
  4. Nordea Bank Denmark A/S
  5. Knight Capital Europe Limited
  6. Citigroup Global Markets Limited
  7. Citigroup Global Markets U.K. Equity Limited
  8. Societe Generale Option Europe - SGOE
  9. UBS Limited
  10. UBS AG (London Branch)
  11. Credit Suisse Securities Europe Limited

List of Regulated Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) in Europe

  1. Alternext
  2. Sistema de Negociacao Multilateral Alternext
  3. MTS Netherlands
  4. Aquis Exchange Limited
  5. BATS Trading Limited
  6. Boerse Berlin (Freiverkehr)
  7. Beta Market
  8. BGC Brokers LP
  9. Blink MTF
  10. Instinet Blockmatch
  11. Baltex Freight Derivatives Market
  12. Monetary Financial and Commodities Exchange - SIBIU S.A.
  13. Bloomberg Trading Facility Limited
  14. MTS Belgium
  15. Warsaw Stock Exchange
  16. Brokertec Europe Limited
  17. BondVision UK
  18. JP Morgan Cazenove
  19. Cantorcoze
  20. Creditex Realtime
  21. Duesseldorfer Boerse (Freiverkehr)
  22. Duesseldorfer Boerse Quotrix (Freiverkehr)
  23. Bratislava Stock Exchange - MTF
  24. E-Mider
  25. E-Mid Repo
  26. Euro MTF
  27. Euro MTS
  28. Athens Exchange Alternative Market
  29. EasyNext
  30. EasyNext Lisbon
  31. Equilend Europe Limited
  32. Boerse Berlin Equiduct Trading (Freiverkehr)
  33. EuroTLX
  34. Cantor Spreadfair
  35. MTS France SAS
  36. First North
  37. First North Estonia
  38. First North Finland
  39. First North Lithuania (Alternative Market)
  40. First North Latvia
  41. First North Stockholm
  42. Frankfurter Wertpapier Boerse (Freiverkehr)
  43. 42 Financial Services
  44. GFI Credit Match
  45. GFI Forex Match
  46. GFI Energy Match
  47. GFI Rates Match
  48. Galaxy
  49. MTS Germany
  50. Griffin Markets Limited
  51. Hanseatische Wertpapier Boerse Hamburg (Frieverkehr)
  52. Boerse Hamburg Land and Schwarz Exchange (Frieverkehr)
  53. Niedersaechsiche Boerse Zu Hannover (Frieverkehr)
  54. Hi-MTF Order Driven
  55. Hi-MTF
  56. Hi-MTF Request-for-Quote
  57. MTS Hungary
  58. ICAP Global Derivatives Limited
  59. ICAP Europe MTF
  60. ICAP Energy
  61. ICAP Energy MTF
  62. ICAP Securities
  63. ICAP TrueQuote
  64. MTS Ireland
  65. ISDX Growth
  66. ISDX Secondary Market MTF
  67. ISWAP Euro Limited
  68. Liquidnet Europe
  69. LMAX
  70. Mercado Alternativo Bursatil
  71. Marketaxess Europe Limited
  72. Mercado Alternativo de Renta Fija
  73. Currenex MTF
  74. MTS Czech Republic
  75. Merkur Market
  76. FX Connect
  77. Marche Libre
  78. Mercato Borsa Italiana Equity MTF
  79. Euronext Bondmatch
  80. MTS Austria
  81. MTS Denmark
  82. MTS Finland
  83. MTS Greece
  84. MTS Interdealer Swaps Market
  85. MTS Swap
  86. Boerse Muenchen (Freiverkehr)
  87. Boerse Muenchen - Market Maker Munich (Friverkehr)
  88. My Treasury
  89. Nordic MTF
  91. NX
  92. MTS Portugal
  93. MTS Prime
  94. MTS Israel
  95. Reuters Transaction Services Limited
  96. Sigma X MTF
  97. Sharemark
  98. MTS Spain
  99. Spectronlive Trayport
  100. BondVision Italia MTF
  101. Baden - Wuerttembergische Wertpapier Boerse (Freiverkehr)
  102. Swapteam
  103. TP Energy - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
  104. TP Tradeblade - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
  105. Traditional Energy
  106. Volbroker
  107. Trading Facility
  108. TOM MTF Derivative Market
  109. TP Creditdeal - Tullet Prebon (Securities) Limited
  110. TP Forward Deal - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
  111. TP Repo - Tullet Prebon (Securities) Limited
  112. TP Swap Deal - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
  113. TRAD-X
  114. Tradeweb
  115. Turquoise Global Holding Limited
  116. UK Gilts Markets (MTS United Kindgom)
  117. Vega - CHI
  118. MTS Slovenia
  119. Tradition - Volatis
  120. Ventes Publiques
  121. Wiener Boerse AG Dritter Market (Third Market)
  122. WCLK Platform
  123. AIM Italia - Mercato Alternativo Del Captitale
  124. Bucharest Stock Exchange
  125. Irish Stock Exchange - Global Exchange Market
  126. Irish Stock Exchange - Enterprise Securities Market
  127. Irish Stock Exchange - Atlantic Securities Market
  128. Emerging Companies Market
  129. Frankfurter Wertpapier Boerse XETRA (Freiverkehr)
  130. Eurex Bonds Gmbh
  131. Eurex Repo Gmbh
  132. Tradegate Exchange (Freiverkehr)
  133. Latibex
  134. SI Enter
  135. London Stock Exchange - AIM
  136. London Stock Exchange - MTF
  137. Marche Libre
  138. Extramot
  139. Sistema Espanol de Negociacion de Activos Financieros
  140. New Connect
  141. Oslo Connect
  142. Posit
  143. Prague Stock Exchange - MTF
  144. RM - System Czech Stock Exchange (MTF)
  145. Aktietorget
  146. Smartpool Trading Limited
  147. TP Energy Trade - Tullet Prebon (Europe) Limited
  148. UBS MTF
  149. Zagreb Stock Exchange - MTF

List of Registered Regulated Markets in Europe

  1. BATS Europe
  2. Boerse Berlin (Regulated Market)
  3. Boerse Berlin (Second Regulated Market)
  4. Derivatives Regulated Market
  5. BondVision Italia
  6. CME Europe Limited
  7. Duesseldorfer Boerse
  8. Duesseldorfer Boerse Quotrix
  9. Boerse Berlin Equiduct Trading
  10. Electronic Openend Funds and ETC Market
  11. European Wholesale Securities Market
  12. Fish Pool ASA
  13. Frankfurter Wertpapier Boerse
  14. Gibralter Stock Exchange
  15. Hanseatische Wertpapier Boerse
  16. Boerse Hamburg Lang and Schwarz Exchange
  17. Niederaechsische Boerse Ze Hannover
  18. Electronic Secondary Securities Market
  19. Intercontinental Exchange (ICE Futures Europe)
  20. ICE Futures Europe - Financial products division
  21. ICE Futures Europe - Equity products division
  22. ICE Futures Europe - Agricultural products division
  23. ISDX Main Market
  24. Mercada Electronico De Renta Fija
  25. Mercada De Futures E Opcoes
  26. Market for Investment Vehicles (MIV)
  27. Electronic Bond Market
  28. Electronic Share Market
  29. MTS Italia
  30. MTS Corporate
  31. Boerse Muenchen Market Maker Munich
  32. ICE Endex Derivatives B.V.
  33. Norexeco ASA
  35. Mercado De Derivados OMIP
  36. Warsaw Stock Exchange
  37. Bondspot Securities Market
  38. Bolsa De Barcelona Renta Fija
  39. Bolsa De Bilbao Renta Fija
  40. Spot Regulated Market
  41. Securitized Derivatives Market
  42. SEND - Sistema Electronico De Negociacion De Deuda
  43. Baden - Wuerttembergische Wertpapier Boersa
  44. Wiener Boerse AG
  45. Wiener Boerse AG Geregelter Freiverkehr
  46. Athens Exchange Derivatives Market
  47. Euronext Amsterdam
  48. Borsa de Barcelona
  49. Bolsa de Bilbao
  50. Bratislava Stock Exchange
  51. Euronext Brussels Derivatives
  52. Euronext Brussels
  53. Budapesti Ertektozsde
  54. Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia JSC
  55. NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S
  56. Cyprus Stock Exchange
  57. Italian Derivatives Market
  58. Mercado de Deuda Publicaen Anotaciones
  59. AIAF - Mercado de Renta Fija
  60. Irish Stock Exchange - Main Market
  61. European Energy Exchange
  62. Frankfurter Wertpapier Boerse Xetra
  63. Euronext EQF - Equities and Indices Derivatives
  64. Eurex Deutschland
  65. Tradegate Exchange
  66. NASDAQ Helsinki OY
  67. OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland
  68. Euronext London
  69. Euronext Lisbon
  70. AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius
  71. Ljubjana Stock Exchange - Official Market
  72. The London Metal Exchange
  73. London Stock Exchange - Derivatives Market
  74. London Stock Exchange - Regulated Market
  75. Bourse de Luxembourg
  76. Bolsa de Madrid
  77. Malta Automated Trading System
  78. Autorite des Marches Financiers (AMF)
  79. Mercado Continuo Espanol
  80. MONEP
  81. MEFF - Segmento Derivados Energia
  82. MEFF - Exchange
  83. Nordic Growth Market NGM AB
  85. Olso Axess
  86. Oslo Bors ASA
  87. Euronext Paris
  88. PowerNext Derivatives
  89. Prague Stock Exchange - Regulated Market
  90. Power Exchange Central Europe
  91. NASDAQ Riga
  92. System Czech Stock Exchange
  93. NASDAQ Stockholm AB
  94. NASDAQ OMX Tallinn
  95. Bolsa De Valencia
  96. Zagreb Stock Exchange

Updation History
  1. First and last updated on 24th January 2017